Monday, December 1, 2014

Design On a Dime: Christmas Pictures

If you're anything like me, you love to go to Michael's (& Hobby Lobby). A lot. And you probably married someone like my husband... The Jew (I can say this bc I am, in fact, 1/2 Jewish. He's Catholic. Dad's Christian. I'm a Chew. Judge away. If you can't laugh about that, I'm sorry but we can't be friends.)

So my Scrooge put a limit to our spending each month which has REALLY got me prioritizing. It's crazy. Thank God for Pinterest, but even then, I'll look and think, "holy crap, there's no way her house can look like that without being broke"... 

Then, I had an epiphany. 

I remembered my inner Jew. I thought, "Hell, I'm creative. I can do this without breaking the bank!" And I did. 

So my Pinterest inspiration came in the form of fabric-covered canvases for every holiday. Now, I do love me some fabric and canvases... But it's expensive and I have kids. Boys, actually, so you know whatever I make needs to be cheap bc it is not going to make survive them. 

My solution: cover existing picture frames with wrapping paper. I wish I had taken step by step instructions, but it's pretty self explainitory. Lay the picture frame "picture-side down" and wrap the frame. Do not wrap the back (or if you do, leave the picture hanger brackets exposed). Then hang it up! 

Not too shabby!! I got the wrapping paper and tape from the Dollar Store... So this whole thing was on about 75¢

Be sure to post your creative projects on to MOOSEink's FB page!!!

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