If I could pick one power to have, I wouldn't waste it on flying or X-Ray vision. I mean, let's face it- with the way technology is advancing, we'll be able to do these things in my lifetime. No, I wouldn't want any super cool powers that might draw attention to myself... Instead, I'd like to be able to tell if a person is innately good or evil and be able to make them tell the truth. Just by looking at them too. I could walk on the sidewalk, look across the street at and see if the man and woman are just talking, or if something bad might happen. Then I could get help or carry on with my day... That is a super power I believe I could work with.
I'm sure there are other, cooler super powers out there, but for now, I'd just like that one. I have trouble trusting people- mainly because I rely on my emotions to guide me through things. And sometimes, these female hormones are so cray-cray that my inner bitch comes out. It's weird how that happens too- like one minute, I'll be listening to this whole Michael Brown story about how he was innocent and what not... And I'll be so upset that the police officer would shoot a man (regardless of skin color) in the back for no reason... To being infuriated at the treatment of the County Police by the very citizens they are trying to protect along with these other Police units. And then, I forget that someone has died- and it might've been uncalled for. I mean, I wasn't there, YOU weren't there and we all know no one else is reporting the full truth. Oh sure, there are always people out there reporting things about the case, but I'm trying to remember that these people are also emotionally-speaking (uh, I don't really think that's a word, but I'm rolling with it)... Hmmm maybe I should just say acting on their emotions. Yeah, that sounds better. They are acting on their emotions and thinking how they can benefit from all of this. Really, that's the only reason I believe these looters are stealing. No other reason. It's insane- I do understand that Mr. Brown was seen moments before robbing a mini-mart, but to try and "avenge" him by breaking into said store and tearing it to pieces... I mean really- not necessary. The owner of that store did nothing to deserve that. None of these shop owners did anything wrong. And you know what, none of the police officers did either. I'm just going to throw it out there.
I'm sick and tired of this being an attack on Police Officers. Yes, it hits close to home for me, but even if it didn't, I would still be appalled at their treatment. Obama should be more upset at the treatment of HIS government agencies than the fact that another black man was killed (we should stop here to take note that AMERICAN soldiers are dying everyday overseas, yet no one is rioting over that injustice... Nor does anyone seem to notice that African-Americans are not the lowest #-ed minority anymore and haven't been for a while- but that's all irrelevant I guess <FYI that honor goes to Asians, but I would also imagine American-Indians are there too... I just haven't found evidence from a census yet. I will though. Oh. I. Will.). *side note* I am firmly under the belief that Presidents should only be able to run for office if they have previously served in the military. End of discussion. Leading a country takes balls and, frankly, I just don't see that side of Obama right now. I'm hoping an Asian runs next. Lord knows their culture is dead set on hard work and no BS. Don't agree? Have you EVER walked into a Chinese restaurant and NOT known immediately what you wanted the minute the server comes to take your order? Complete chaos would arise. Why? Bc they are efficient and do not like to waste time unnecessarily. I like that.
Ok, so as I'm getting super heated over another alleged race-issue on FB, I start feeling sick to my stomach. Like "I'm-about-to-throw-up-my-delicious-lunch-that-I-ate-4-hours-ago" sick. It wasn't pretty. I decided Facebook and I needed to take a break for the evening.
I turned to Pinterest.
You know what's funny about Pinterest? Every. Single. Mom. On. There. Is. SuperMom. Seriously. I looked at all of their fabulous meals and read about how they chop vegetables and get meals ready during nap time and all that jazz... And I'm over here about to cry because it's raining outside and I'm tired but my youngest refuses to nap. And never has it ever occurred to me to prep anything during nap time. When and if the baby sleeps... I sleep. Mama needs her sleep. For real.
So, Pinterest made me feel worse bc my house looked like a freaking bomb went off, Gray would not stop trying to lick the linoleum floors and it was hurricane-ing outside. Which meant we were all stuck. Together. In our house. With no end in sight.
I decided I needed to make comfort food. Luckily, I went to Aldi's for the first time today (not that I didn't want to go to Aldi's before now bc it was Aldi's, but more because I didn't want to go grocery shopping in general much less to TWO grocery stores... But I sucked it up. It smelled weird, but so does the commissary. I got great deals) and had some snack food for the boys to munch on while I determined what I was going to make. I decided on my own version of Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup. It was a success. Of course.
I've had quite a few years to perfect my cooking and let me tell you, I wasn't always so awesome. My very first experience with cooking was a disaster. I was 18. I made hamburger helper. I thought I was "helping" out my mom. I wasn't. It was more like when a toddler tries to help with something you think they should be able to do. Then they accidentally rip open the bag of flour which scares them and makes them step back on top of the eggs- which break- before finally landing on the bread loaf thus making their help useless as you now have to put the groceries away, clean the floor AND clean the child. This is all hypothetical of course. My children would never do that. But I, on the other hand, was not very much help to my mom. In my defense, who the hell knows what it means to brown the meat?! It was my first time cooking, I did NOT have a phone with internet and our AOL was all the way upstairs and slow as fuck at dialing up. So yes, I cooked the hell out of that meat and then proceeded to scald the milk and have everything get stuck to the pan. My sisters will all agree that no one asked me to cook for a long time after that. I mean, the whole 3,000 sq ft house smelled like charred hamburger meat for weeks. Even though we tried to air it out. It. Was. Embarrassing. And I'll never be able to live it down. I had such a complex about it that when I would go over to my, now, MIL's house, I used to think she knew how bad I was at cooking because she never (and I mean NEVER) asked me to help her prepare meals...
Then, I got married and had a kid and now... I can cook (thanks, babe, you're the best SOUSchef I could ever ask for... And yeah, I know you're reading this. And laughing at me. It's ok, bc you were the one who got to marry this hot mess. Mwah!)
I'm actually pretty deadly in the kitchen these days. In a good way. I made the BEST rainy night dinner and I completely made it up. Like "no-measurements" made it up. What can I say? I married into an Italian family. I'm awesome now.
Here's my recipe (mainly so I don't forget...)
Rainy Day Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup w/Biscuits
Boil (or poach) about 4 thawed chicken breasts (bone in rib meat... Mainly bc it's a lot cheaper than regular boneless, skinless chicken breasts, I like the flavor better and you're going to have to dice up the meat anyways) in a pot of water. It doesn't matter how much water you put in--- you're tossing it out later anyways. It'll take about 20 minutes to fully cook. Do this first bc it takes the longest and it'll give you time to start in the soup.
1 can Cream of Golden Mushroom
1 can Cream of Chicken
4c water (or the equivalent in chicken STOCK)
A couple heaping spoon-fills of Chicken Base (if not using chicken stock)
Rosemary (little dash: I did a little "shake" with the jar... I guess it was 1/2 tsp)
Thyme (around 1 tsp)
Oregano (around 1-1/2 tsp)
Onion salt (roughly 1 tsp... I would've used an onion, but I forgot to buy it)
Put everything in a different pot and bring to a hard boil. It'll take about 10 minutes. Use this time to chop vegetables... And preheat oven to 375°...
3 carrots (or a handful of baby carrots) chopped into 1/4 in slices
3 stalks celery (use the leaves too... Thanks grandma, that was an excellent suggestion). Diced.
Handful of mushrooms. Diced.
1 can green beans. Drained.
1 can corn. Drained.
Once the soup is boiling, add everything except the mushrooms. By this time, the chicken should be finished cooking. Pull it out and add 1/2 bag egg noodles to the same pot of boiling water... Hey. It's already boiling and the water tastes like chicken broth... So why not?! Cook for 5 minutes. Take this time to shred the chicken and remove any bones/gross parts (yeah, I'm picky.). Add the meat and 'shrooms to the soup. The oven should be preheated, so on with the biscuits.
Super secret best biscuits recipe:
Bake as directed ;)
Once the noodles are finished, drain them and toss them in some olive oil. Add 1/2 cup Sour Cream -OR- Plain Greek Yogurt (it tastes the same to me) to the soup and shut off the heat. Once that is incorporated, add the noodles.
Take the biscuits out of the oven when they are done and toss them into the soup. It's delicious. And... You're welcome. Just don't try and eat anything before I'm 100% finished with it or you'll get a "love-tap" from my spatula.