You see, we had decorated tiles before. This is nothing new to me. The tiles we decorated were from a pottery shop and were not glazed so it was super easy to keep the paint from scratching off (hello Paint Sealer, it's me, Becca)
Like I said, this was years ago and I have not found a shop here that does pottery (to be quite fair, I haven't even looked...) so I went to the next, well, next-next-next best thing: Home Depot. The 4x4 Glossy Tiles were 13¢?!?! Um, what?! I remember paying like $5/tile... Damn starving artists lol. Sooooo, I bought 16. I had an idea for the boys to paint coasters as Christmas gifts for the grandparents- they love that stuff! Then, I saw the 6x6 Glossy Tiles for 48¢ and I just had to get those too... Pot holeders??

And I thought, "man, I'm awesome". Apparently, little man already knew this.
(This was at Costco, but he's still adorable)
Anyways... While you're at HD, grab a can of Glossy Sealer bc you'll need that too...
I am using the sealer I have left over from my furniture redo so I skipped out on buying this. So let's recap what all you'll need:
• 4x4 or 6x6 tile(s)
• paint/ sharpees for decorating (you can even use glitter)
• Q-tips
• Paint Brushes
• Paint Sealer
• Felt (for the bottom)
• Scissors
• Hot Glue / Mod Podge / Super Glue
• Something to paint on
• a congratulatory glass of wine and maybe some eggless cookie dough...
1) Cover your work area. Not kidding. Anything that involves children with paint will result in a HUGE mess.
Case and point... This is the aftermath.
2) Strip your kids. Or at least put them in clothes you really don't care about. Kids. Are. Messy.
And to think, he was clean just a minute ago...
3) Use a Q-tip to paint and watch the masters at work... Unless you forget to take your brushes out of the art bin and the boys get to them... Oh well. It is water based so it came out of everything (except the shirt lol). We used a combination of craft paint and sharpees. Since I am an artist, I have tons of random art goodies on hand at any given time. It's a curse, but the boys love making masterpieces so it's worth it.
They are so cute. Jman DOES have on undies btw. Even though he likes to whip out his penis in the open flap and dance around... I just don't understand boys. I'm serious...
Back to the coasters:
We made some with hand prints, but most without. Overall, they looked great and I didn't help out as much as I wanted to. For real, being a perfectionist is a curse. The struggle is real folks!
4) Let Paint/ Sharpee dry for at least an hour. This is just a precaution. Acrylic paint (and ESP craft paint) dries in about 10 min. Ours took a little longer bc the boys made Paint Mounds. Who am I to mess with the vision? Lol. Use this time to give your kids a bath. The craft paint peels off very easily, but I would do a shower first until almost everything is off- DO NOT SCRUB - that shit hurts! If it doesn't come off easily, let them soak in the tub for a few minutes and then wash it off. We did a bubble bath. I got more of a bath than the boys and I was on the outside of the tub. Awesomeness.
As a punishment, I made Cinderella I and II clean the floor on their hands and knees! Mwahahahahahahahah. I'm totally kidding, they actually love to clean (not to be confused with picking up toys and putting them away bc they hate that. I'm talking about wiping down surfaces and vacuuming. Which I'll gladly take.)
5) wait til the kids go to bed and apply 1 coat of Paint Sealer. It really only needs one coat. Let that dry over night.
6) Cut felt & glue it on to each tile. Do this by laying the tile on top of the felt, tracing it, then cutting it out. The tiles have lines on the bottom, so hot glue, glue or mod podge on those lines. Hot glue is easier (IMO) bc it dries super fast stays on! Also, glue around the perimeter of the tile so there's no chance of it coming up!
7) Have a drink and pat yourself on the back! You did it. You're amazing. You're probably going to be giving the best presents your parents have ever received from your children. I know mine are going to love it. I mean how can they not?! They're GRANDPARENTS and my children are gifted! Hahahaha
Good luck!!!
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