Tuesday, November 25, 2014

RIP Ferguson and Facebook... The blog must go on!

So, after being called a racist because I am white and apparently that's how "all whites are", I have decided to leave Facebook for a little bit. Sadly, I have a ton of opinions and rile easily. It's a curse I've inherited from my MotherInLaw. Hahahaha. However, my boys continue to be hilarious so I will be starting a series basically consisting of short stories that happen day-to-day. 

Being a woman, I love to talk. So I am happy people still want me to continue my blog! Thanks everyone!! Hopefully, I'll be able to update this so much that I won't need Facebook anymore!! I'll also be on Instagram, under the name of my art business, MOOSEink. I'll also be posting to MOOSEink's Facebook page with all of my art projects! Can I get a heck-yeah!?

Ok, enough of that...let's get to the cream filling. And I've got Mega Stuffed stories to tell y'all. 

This year has been a roller coaster of emotions for me, from being stalked by a maintenance man to having so many weddings, we were back in STL at least once a month. So to say I'm happy NOT to be traveling home for the holidays, is an understatement. Imagine if you were told cookie dough had no calories... That's about how excited I am. And it's a good thing we're not traveling, bc my boys have been T E R R O R S. 

My day consisted of making verbal threats to my boys and having quite a bit of those threats result in "time out". *gasp* say it isn't so!?!?! Well, it is. I'm a fun-sucker, what can I say? I actually just got a basketball thrown at my face by the baby as I was typing. Little stinker is being a little terror. So, time out for the 5th time today. 
And I mean really, LOOK at that sweet face. He would never, EVER be a bad baby... Ha!

He doesn't understand the true meaning of Christmas yet (... You know the one where parents make empty threats about calling SANTA to tell him the kids were bad so NO PRESENTS this year... Yeah, I'll go into detail on that in just a minute) so the only thing that has been working is the dreaded TIME. OUT. <insert evil laughter and freaky music for effect> J, on the other hand, is 4 and believes so deeply that I only need to make a threat once and he behaves. Now, I DO realize presents are not the true meaning of Christmas, but I'm telling YA, after constantly telling them no! Sit down! Your brother is not a punching bag! DON'T give that to the dog! Stop rolling around on the floor! EAT. YOUR. FOOD. ... You kind of have to resort to trickery if you want to survive. 

Back to J-man:
We got the Toys -R- Us catalogue in the mail (fantastic marketing, by the way) and I decided it would be easier to look through it first, before giving it to J. It back fired. I wrote his letter on top of certain pages and he was only allowed to circle items from the pages with his letter on them. While I was busy patting myself on the back for my intelligence, he was busy circling away. He circled E V E R Y item. Then he went back and wrote his letter on other pages and circled those items too. THEN, he wanted the first letter of mine, my husband's and the baby's so he could circle items for us too. The whole darn book is useless now bc I can't read anything... Everything is circled!!

Smh. I have him a marker and he went all ape-$=!t crazy on me. In all honesty, it was hilarious bc this whole event was spread out over the course of a week. So he would probably go to school, hear one of his friends say something and come home and say he wanted it too. And his memory is amazing. To the point of it being annoying bc he recalls events in such clarity that when I try and beat around the bush on an answer to something, he'll say, "no no no! Remember THIS is what happened". And he's usually right. 

So the girls in his class have been talking about Barbies. (I loved Barbies. I let J play with MY Barbies when we were at my dad's house, but he used their poor bodies as drum sticks and weapons so his privileges were revoked.) Anytime a Barbie commercial comes on, without fail, J will say, "ewwww gross! Barbies! I hate Barbies"... That was until the Curl and Style Barbie (or whatever she is called) came on TV. You can curl her hair with a wand and rollers and then brush it straight again. Magic. 

He makes sure to say his normal line of awful things about Barbies, but for her, he tells me he is buying me that for Christmas. At first he said it was bc I needed a girl (thanks, mom. I know you put him up to it) but then changed his tune when I said I didn't need it. "But need it!" AHA! Barbie truly is amazing!!


So now I have to shop online for that damned Barbie bc I really don't want to go Black Friday Shopping... unless it's to Michael's. 

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