Saturday, November 29, 2014

DIY: Burlap Wreath- Tutorial

Burlap Wreath (method 2)

If you follow my FB page (MOOSEink), then you saw another wreath I made. If not, here's a picture (sorry, but I'm not using my Canon, just the iPhone so the colors are not amazing... Nor the quality. Don't judge) 

This wreath used a similar method to the one I made tonight. Once I find the link to the blog I used, I will insert it here

Ok, onto the tutorial. 
•18" wire wreath ($5 @Michael's)
•10yd burlap ($7 @Michael's unless you buy on sale... Which I did!! Woo-hoo for $2.50!!)
•7-10yd deco mesh (I had a coupon but I think it was $5 @Michael's)
•5-10yd ribbon (I used some left over fabric I bought to make a scarf)
• roll of twine/thin ribbon/yarn -or- 18 pipe cleaners

In this tutorial, I used yarn bc I ran out of pipe cleaners and I was SOOOO not going back to Michael's. But Becca, how did you run out of pipe cleaners? Didn't you buy a bag that had roughly 100? Yes, yes I did. As a matter of fact, they were all present and accounted for before I ran to Michael's this morning and left the boys with my very capable husband. Somehow, in a 2 hour time span, I went from having a little over 80 pipe cleaners, down to 4. Where are the others? Hmmm, good question. They are probably hanging out with my missing hair dryer attachment and remotes. I will find them in 18-months when we move. Until then, I'm McGuyver-ing it with yarn. 

Sooooo, if you're like me and have a ton of yarn just laying around and want to use that... Go for it. If you're using yarn, cut 36 pieces. If you're using pipe cleaners, get out 18. Yarn in bold; pipe cleaners in Italics. 

 2 strands at a time, double knot the yarn to the inside of the wire wreath, making sure there is equal length on both sides. 1 per section. Do the same for the outside. 

PC: Loop PC through wreath, making sure there is equal length on both sides. Twist once. Start with inside. 1 per section. Do the same for the outside. 

And that just screams to my boys, "YOU MUST TOUCH ME NOW AND SWING ME AROUND UNTIL YOU HURT ONE ANOTHER AND DRIVE YOUR MOTHER INSANE!!" So, I waited til they went to bed. Apologies. 

Next: Start in the innermost wire: take your burlap and tie it with a double knot -or- twist once 

Add the deco mesh, using the same technique. 

Fantastic. Now, grab about a hand's length down from where you attached your initial piece of mesh/burlap and tie it or twist it together on the next section. 

If you are using the yarn, it'll feel loose. If you are using PC, you won't have to work as hard to make it secure. Continue this process all the way around the innermost wire and then attach your mesh/burlap to the outermost wire. 

Starting to see it coming together? Keep it up! Using the same process as the inner circle, attach the mesh/burlap to the outer circle. 

You will have some left over. A lot, actually. If you are like me and hate to waste any fabric, ever, continue on. If you don't mind wasting, the you can stop and move on to the ribbon part. 

All others, here you go. 

Using the same technique, make the mesh/burlap go in between the two circles and attach using BOTH yarn strands -or- PC from the outermost and innermost parts of the wreath. 

It's a freaking CRAZY concept, but i'm telling yeah try it. Continue through the middle circle and tie off at the end.

Looks good doesn't it? Now flip it over and tie the strings together or twist the PC around.

Now you can stop or you can add ribbon. I had leftover fabric and decided to try using that. I did not like how the strings left very noticeable areas on the wreath (even after I fluffed it), so I used my fabric to hide the visible string. Turn your wreath so the right side is facing you...I weaved the fabric over the string and then under it for each section, making sure I kept my fabric in the middle circle. I ended up having to cut two strips of fabric and tie them onto the wreath. You can do that or you can use hot glue. Or you can be really crazy and do both. 

Go all the way around the wreath and then tie off OR make a bow. I opted for a bow, but I might end up stitching together my fabric with my left over deco mesh to make the bow stand out a bit more. Who knows. Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, yes. That is probably what I'm going to do.  

And there you have it. Fluff out each portion to make it appear bigger. Add cute things to it too- just know, that's typically where these things get expensive... And if you can see through your wreath in some areas, don't worry, no one is going to notice the wire from the street. Go pour yourself a glass of wine and have your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend or whomever witness your awesomeness. For real, you deserve a pat on the back. 

If you make a wreath using this technique, please, leave a picture on my FB page!! I want to see them all!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

A Thanksgiving of Status Updates

Our Thanksgiving was awesome! Don't get me wrong, I missed our crazy families, but not having to get dressed, clean or travel anywhere was simply fantistic. I knew it would be. As usual, there wasn't a dull moment in our house. Since I don't want to bore you with back stories of every single thing, I figured I'd do this Facebook/Twitter-style and limit myself to just a couple sentences. 

1) nothing like having the boys let you sleep in until 8am to really make you feel old. Seriously, I have this nagging feeling that I've wasted half the day! #forcedtobeanearlybird #iamofficiallyold

2) made waffles for breakfast. They were delicious. The baby would know this too if he would eat a little more than just the whipped cream. #babyisafatkid #hismomcanCOOK!

3) ah, thanksgiving. A holiday where you are supposed to be thankful for what you have. Instead, my boys are spending it fighting over a $2 toy made from a yard stick. #bros4life #thanksgiving

4) been slaving away making a million and one casseroles while my husband is on his laptop. The boys are running around him, screaming. And in go my headphones.  #hecantmakesides #helikesmeat

5) so I'm watching my friend's house/dogs for her while she is away. This means I can wear whatever I want over to her house bc she's not there. So I wear my pjs (gray long johns, a Mizzou shirt and black crocs) with my favorite apron on top ("I gossip better than I cook" it's funny, you can laugh). Sadly, other people had to see me run over to her house wearing this. And to my neighbors, I'm sorry. #desperatehousewivesofAL #mastercheftakesnobreaks  

6) finally sit on the couch to catch my breath and Steve asks me to help clean the that tone...  #notinyourlife #IfMamaAintHappyAintNoOneHappy #YouBetterBelieveTHAT #nopicture #noonewantstoseethat

7) my first attempt at making a cheese cake went about as well as I expected. Butter dripped out of the cake pan, into the oven and I almost burned the house down. There was smoke E V E R Y W H E R E. We opened every window and blew fans at every entrance and just as I was starting to go over what I was going to tell the firefighters when they arrived, the smoke cleared and Steve and I could breath again. Luckily, the boys are still short and didn't have to deal with the smoke. #blondmoment #whenovensattack #smokeout

8) we made a TON of food. It was all delicious. Like REALLY REALLY delicious. I was almost sad we had no family here to share it with. Good news: this meant that my picky eaters had at least one thing on their plate they would eat. Also, everything can freeze (except the salad...but I made 1/4 the normal amount and it'll be gone in about 36 hours). Once I post all the recipes, I'll put up links here as well. #mamasabaker #nofamilyhere #innerfatkidcomesouttonight

9) both boys went to bed early so I made a wreath. I'm probably going to pat myself on the back for it too for at LEAST 2 more days. #artattack #momarted #openthewindow

10) bought all my presents online so I don't need to go Black Friday shopping!!! I was going to go to Michael's, but I decided I didn't want to put normal clothes on... Or a bra... Well, my undershirt has built-in support and let's face it, big mama isn't actually so big. So I think that counts as wearing a bra. #suckitTribeck #hangingfree #thisIsMyHappyPlace

11) put up ELMO. Jman has already told me I'm lying bc ELMO wasn't in his Elf on the Shelf book... But Elmo brought candy so we'll see who has the last laugh. #itsgonnabeme #n*syncforever #mwahahahaha

12) going to bed knowing I'm making monkey bread for breakfast. Crap. All that food has stretched my stomach and I'm already salivating!! Goodnight and stay safe if you're Black Friday Shopping!!! #tistheseason #BsBeCrazyYo #BlackFridayIsTheDevil #notreally #GrabThemDeals


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Elmo on the Shelf

Day 1 of no Facebook was actually stressful. It was weird. I had anxiety (I'm not ashamed to admit) like, "what the hell is going on with my friend's lives?!" 

Or something funny would happen and I wanted to post it right then and there... Then remembered I gave up FB for awhile. I'm telling you, it's like being angry at your best friend, then having something eventful happen to just moments later and you end up getting pissed at yourself bc you want to tell your best friend, then can't bc you're in a fight. I'm sure it'll get easier as the days go by, but I feel a little like a recovering addict (ok, it's not the same thing at all, but I've never been addicted to anything other than Oreos and Caffeine so cut me some slack). 

For instance, I went to the gym today (if you are my FB friend, you'll remember how the chicken nugget incident with Jman last week and my vow to work out every day...) and for realz, my kid DOES NOT STOP TALKING. Ever. A lot of his questions are relevant to the current conversation, but then he throws those curve balls and you think, "my gosh, how did his little brain come up with THAT question?!" I used to listen to Pandora in an effort to have a little peace and quiet while we drive, but no, it had to stop. One can only listen to Toddler Radio on Pandora for so long before one snaps. It's true. 

So today, our conversation consisted of Elmo on the Shelf. I tried the typical Elf on the Shelf, but, alas, J was afraid to even walk by it. So it had to go. Luckily, this happened at my dad/step mom's house so I didn't have to find a way to return it to the store after I told him it was magical. Lol. So anyways, we decided ELMO on the shelf was a safer bet. Now, here's the thing about Elmo, he just does not like to make messes. He knows that I have to clean up 99.99% of the messes in our house and he just wants to go easy on me. So every night Elmo goes back to SANTA and tells him if my boys were good or bad. The next morning, Elmo hides and waits to be found by the boys. If they were good the night before, they each get a piece of candy before breakfast. If they were bad, they get nothing. (Mwahahahahahahahah) Anyways, so we're in the car and J wants to know why Elmo is reporting to Santa and not the elves. I told him all the Elves are super busy making the toys for Christmas so SANTA hired Elmo to do this for him. He thinks about it and asks a TON of questions: well, how does Elmo get to Santa's house? Teleportation.  What is teleportation? Going from one place to another without having to drive, walk or fly. Your body gets blown into a billion pieces and then gets put back together at the new place you want to go.  *crying ensues bc he doesn't want to get blown up* When are we seeing Santa? After Thanksgiving. Well, you bet your bottom I'll be asking if all of this is true.


Well, guess I better hope he is so "in awe" of the big guy that he forgets and I'm off the hook... Or let's hope the Santa we see is amazing at rolling with it and goes along with my story... 

Ah, in other news, the baby is talking more and every time he says something to me, he likes me to repeat it. If I'm correct in guessing what he's saying, he'll give a great big chuckle. And damn it if it isn't the cutest thing I've ever heard. We read his favorite book tonight (it's a Farm book that has everything about a farm illustrated. Cool book.) normally, G turns straight to the food section and we spend the whole time going over what each food item is multiple times. Then, he usually realizes this has made him hungry and he needs a 2nd dessert. So I'll get him some crackers and he goes to bed. Well tonight, he just wanted the animal sounds page. I video taped it and sent it to my family. They had to see it. I would say an animal sound and he would repeat it. Not just that, but if I shook my head or did something I don't realize I'm doing, he would copy that too. Ah, Geesh. He's. Little shit, but when he does cute things like that, I forget all about how he drew on the wall with my charcoal pencil, or stuffed mashed cauliflower up his nose/on his hair/in his ear, threw numerous tantrums for only God knows what and slapped the dog (yes, he was out in time out a lot again today). And now, that little guy is out cold and looking so peaceful I can't help but love him. Alright, his slate has just been wiped clean. Hahahah. 

On that note, I'm going to get off here and try to ninja my way out of his room before he wakes up. I just put a new door-handle lock on his door so if I am able to get out without having to text Steve to come open the door, I'm grabbing a White Chocolate Covered Oreo (they just came out with them this month and I have ZERO self control... I believe j already mentioned that before...) and getting back to my drawings. Laundry can wait and so can cleaning my house. It'll get done once the holiday season is over. Ha! Who am I kidding, it'll get done the next time my In Laws or Step Mom come to visit me. 

Becca OUT!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

RIP Ferguson and Facebook... The blog must go on!

So, after being called a racist because I am white and apparently that's how "all whites are", I have decided to leave Facebook for a little bit. Sadly, I have a ton of opinions and rile easily. It's a curse I've inherited from my MotherInLaw. Hahahaha. However, my boys continue to be hilarious so I will be starting a series basically consisting of short stories that happen day-to-day. 

Being a woman, I love to talk. So I am happy people still want me to continue my blog! Thanks everyone!! Hopefully, I'll be able to update this so much that I won't need Facebook anymore!! I'll also be on Instagram, under the name of my art business, MOOSEink. I'll also be posting to MOOSEink's Facebook page with all of my art projects! Can I get a heck-yeah!?

Ok, enough of that...let's get to the cream filling. And I've got Mega Stuffed stories to tell y'all. 

This year has been a roller coaster of emotions for me, from being stalked by a maintenance man to having so many weddings, we were back in STL at least once a month. So to say I'm happy NOT to be traveling home for the holidays, is an understatement. Imagine if you were told cookie dough had no calories... That's about how excited I am. And it's a good thing we're not traveling, bc my boys have been T E R R O R S. 

My day consisted of making verbal threats to my boys and having quite a bit of those threats result in "time out". *gasp* say it isn't so!?!?! Well, it is. I'm a fun-sucker, what can I say? I actually just got a basketball thrown at my face by the baby as I was typing. Little stinker is being a little terror. So, time out for the 5th time today. 
And I mean really, LOOK at that sweet face. He would never, EVER be a bad baby... Ha!

He doesn't understand the true meaning of Christmas yet (... You know the one where parents make empty threats about calling SANTA to tell him the kids were bad so NO PRESENTS this year... Yeah, I'll go into detail on that in just a minute) so the only thing that has been working is the dreaded TIME. OUT. <insert evil laughter and freaky music for effect> J, on the other hand, is 4 and believes so deeply that I only need to make a threat once and he behaves. Now, I DO realize presents are not the true meaning of Christmas, but I'm telling YA, after constantly telling them no! Sit down! Your brother is not a punching bag! DON'T give that to the dog! Stop rolling around on the floor! EAT. YOUR. FOOD. ... You kind of have to resort to trickery if you want to survive. 

Back to J-man:
We got the Toys -R- Us catalogue in the mail (fantastic marketing, by the way) and I decided it would be easier to look through it first, before giving it to J. It back fired. I wrote his letter on top of certain pages and he was only allowed to circle items from the pages with his letter on them. While I was busy patting myself on the back for my intelligence, he was busy circling away. He circled E V E R Y item. Then he went back and wrote his letter on other pages and circled those items too. THEN, he wanted the first letter of mine, my husband's and the baby's so he could circle items for us too. The whole darn book is useless now bc I can't read anything... Everything is circled!!

Smh. I have him a marker and he went all ape-$=!t crazy on me. In all honesty, it was hilarious bc this whole event was spread out over the course of a week. So he would probably go to school, hear one of his friends say something and come home and say he wanted it too. And his memory is amazing. To the point of it being annoying bc he recalls events in such clarity that when I try and beat around the bush on an answer to something, he'll say, "no no no! Remember THIS is what happened". And he's usually right. 

So the girls in his class have been talking about Barbies. (I loved Barbies. I let J play with MY Barbies when we were at my dad's house, but he used their poor bodies as drum sticks and weapons so his privileges were revoked.) Anytime a Barbie commercial comes on, without fail, J will say, "ewwww gross! Barbies! I hate Barbies"... That was until the Curl and Style Barbie (or whatever she is called) came on TV. You can curl her hair with a wand and rollers and then brush it straight again. Magic. 

He makes sure to say his normal line of awful things about Barbies, but for her, he tells me he is buying me that for Christmas. At first he said it was bc I needed a girl (thanks, mom. I know you put him up to it) but then changed his tune when I said I didn't need it. "But need it!" AHA! Barbie truly is amazing!!


So now I have to shop online for that damned Barbie bc I really don't want to go Black Friday Shopping... unless it's to Michael's.